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  • 1. What are the objectives for this consultation?
    We are committed to bringing our patients and neighbours with us at every step of the way during our project. The consultation process is an opportunity to share your views with us and to ask any questions you may have about our proposals. While our planning application has now been submitted, we still welcome your comments on the proposals and the consultation.
  • 2. What is changing?
    The practices at Temple Fortune Health Centre have seen an increase in the number of patients who need our services, rising from 15,000 to 22,000 in recent years. Our building is outdated for the needs of the practices within it, with the upper floor inaccessible as consultation space and growing maintenance costs. To continue offering an excellent level of service to the local community, we intend to seek planning permission to enlarge the surgery premises as part of a mixed-use building. To fund these plans, we originally proposed 15 apartments on three storeys above the new surgery. In response to feedback we received, we have reduced the number of apartments from 15 to 11 and reduced massing.
  • 3. When could the project happen?
    We submitted our planning application in November 2022, which is the first stage of the project. If permission is granted, the next stage is to seek appropriate and accessible local premises to temporarily host our practices, and to consult extensively with our patients before committing to any location. Once we have relocated to another local premises, the work will begin to regenerate our home at Temple Fortune Health Centre into the new mixed-use building, which we expect to take around two years. Finally, we will then relocate back into the newly-improved Health Centre, which we look forward to sharing with the community. We will keep patients and the local community up to date with any developments in our plans.
  • 4. Where could new residents park?
    We are sensitive to the parking situation on Temple Fortune Lane, and we are proposing basement-level parking for the new apartments and Health Centre staff, alongside cycle parking for the Health Centre and residential properties. We also expect that local transport links along Finchley Road and nearby Northern line stations will offer alternatives to car use.
  • 5. How big will the new building be?
    The building will be 4 storeys, with the surgery occupying the ground floor.
  • 6. How will the new building impact the environment?
    The new building will contribute to the local environment, with planting space around the ground floor of the building and a roof garden both contributing flora to the local area.
  • 7. How will the surgery enlargement be funded?
    The funding for this project comes from the addition of a small number of homes above the surgery. The proceeds from the sale of these apartments goes on to fund the surgery enlargement.
  • Do I need to do anything?
    You don't need to do anything to continue receiving medical attention at your usual practice. We will keep you updated throughout the project on any changes to how we're working, but we will continue to offer healthcare at every stage.
  • What happens to my patient registration?
    Nothing will change with your registration as a result of these proposals. If we are successful in seeking planning permission, you will not need to do anything to remain registered at your current practice.
  • Will the surgery remain open as usual?
    We will continue to deliver primary healthcare to the community throughout the proposals, the only change we are proposing is to replace our current Health Centre with an enhanced and enlarged one as part of a new building.
  • Will my doctors practice move?
    If planning permission is granted, the practices will have to move during the course of the works. We expect this would be for around two years when the project begins. The project will only proceed once we have found a suitable location. We can commit to any temporary location being nearby and accessible for our patients. Once a suitable location is identified, we would then run a separate, full NHS-compliant service move consultation.
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